Your Vote Matters

Joseph W.H. Lough

Surely where the Presidential election is concerned, my state, California, is a done deal. And, unless you live and vote in one of the battleground states, perhaps you are in the same boat. I am sending out this first of three pre-election blogs for two reasons. First, when pollsters canvass your state and publish their results, they are counting on your vote. If you don’t vote, then their predictions may not prove to be accurate. Second, whether or not you live or vote in a battleground state, your vote and your active encouragement of others to vote can tip the balance. This will be a terribly, nail-bitingly, hand-wringingly, close election. You, personally, need to be actively engaged in getting out the vote, not only in your state or in your immediate circles, but in other states among individuals you may not have talked to for years or even decades.

To make your job easier, I have done, am doing, two things. First, I have published a special eBook a link to which you can send to your friends. Here it is: This little book (less than 100 pages long) will convince anyone (1) that public institutions and public wealth are at the core of our nation’s U.S. Constitution; (2) that opposition to public institutions and public values is as anti-American as, well, flying the Union Jack on the Fourth of July; and (3) that voting Democratic on November 6th is the only way any true American – Democratic, Republican, or Independent – can show their support for their country. If you know anyone, or know anyone who knows anyone, who is even dreaming about voting Republican, or if you have some other means – a web site or blog, a radio station or show , a newspaper or newsletter – to publicize Commonwealth, you need to send them this link:

Second, I am publishing my choices on local, regional, state, and federal candidates and ballot measures. These choices are based on the premise that while the private economy is the proper place for consumers to express their private economic choices and deploy their private wealth, public office is the appropriate place for citizens to select candidates and approve of measures that strengthen and protect the wealth we hold in common, our common wealth, or, simply our republic.

Here are my choices:

2012 Presidential and Senate Endorsement

2012 California State Assembly and House

2012 Alameda County Endorsements


2012 California House and Senate Recommendations