Why You cannot afford Not to Read Forrest Wilder’s article on Governor Rick Perry and his ties to Christian Dominionism


As Texas Gov. Rick Perry Enters GOP Race, New Exposé Reveals His Close Ties to Radical Evangelicals

If you have not heard Amy Goodman’s report or read Forrest Wilder’s article in the Texas Observer, I want you to do so now. And if you are one of the many Christians who follow my blog or link to me on Facebook or Twitter, I want you to think carefully before you support Rick Perry or his Dominionist campaign for the White House.

One widely used definition of fascism is “solving political, social and economic problems culturally.” What I find disturbing about Governor Perry is not that he is a (small “f”) fascist, but that he has been able to attract such a large following within the conservative Evangelical world to his brand of fascism.

According to this brand of fascism, the political, social and economic woes of our nation are but a surface effect of a deeper spiritual and hence cultural malady the only solution to which is national repentance.

Now, to those political conservatives who follow this blog or link to me on Facebook or Twitter, but who reject Dominionism, I want you to know that Dominionism is more powerful than the momentary political advantage you feel you can get from it. Whenever you divert attention away from what are real economic, social and political traumas and when you buy into the rhetoric of cultural warfare, you are feeding the Dominionist movement. When the Dominionists win, I guarantee that they will not care the least about your economic, social, or political agenda. You will lose.

So it is time that you rethink the rhetoric of cultural warfare. Governor Perry wants to recruit you for his Christian army. Don’t join.